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App is a general term for an entire application e.g., Instagram Feed, Facebook Feed
Widget is an individual instance of an app that can have different settings, templates, etc
Widget views are one of the key indicators for our pricing model. Depending on the tariff plan, a monthly view limit is set for each application (each application can have several widgets created)
View Limit
In this guide
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Choose the tariff plan based on the traffic statistics of your website
Each page load of the site with the widget counts as one view. In other words, one view is counted every time someone visits the page where the widget is installed. If you exceed this limit, your application will be temporarily suspended.
We start counting views when the code is installed on your site.
The view limit is set for the entire application, not for each widget or website.
If you have two widgets of the same application or you have installed the widget on two different pages, the views will still be aggregated. If you have two widgets of the same application on one page, it will also count as two views instead of one
How Does Views Limit Work
You can view the statistics and information about views in your profile:
After installing a widget, you need always stay up-to-date with your app views limit to check if you have enough views for the created widgets.
Checking Your View Limit
Go to your profile and сlick
in the top right corner of the screen
right corner of the screen
In the new window, you can check all the stats for views
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